Reasons Why Cellulosic Browning Occurs
Posted on blog, carpet cleaning by dryconcepts
Old twine rope grungy with spots
Occasionally after a carpet or rug has been cleaned, a brownish discoloration appears. A condition called cellulosic browning is one of the causes of this discoloration. Several factors must be present in order for this discoloration to develop including a cellulosic fiber, moisture, and slow drying. Furthermore, a high pH or shampoo residue may also contribute to its occurrence. At Dry Concepts, we understand the frustration this can cause and offer professional solutions to help prevent and address cellulosic browning.
What Causes Cellulosic Browning?
Cellulosic Fibers:
Cellulosic fibers are a major source of cellulosic browning and are present in all jute carpet or rug backings. The drying time following carpet cleaning depends on humidity; the air contains more moisture during rainy periods and summer months, making it more difficult for the moisture in the carpet to evaporate.
Age of the Carpet:
The age of the carpet is also important, as jute backings deteriorate over time and undergo chemical changes. These changes produce brown or red colorants (lignin) which can wick up to the face yarns and appear on the surface of the carpet after cleaning. The brown or red color remains on the tips of the tufts as the carpet dries.
Moisture and Drying Time:
Moisture is a key component in the development of cellulosic browning. When carpets are exposed to high levels of moisture during cleaning, and drying is slow, the likelihood of browning increases. Slow drying can result from high humidity, inadequate ventilation, or over-wetting during the cleaning process.
High pH and Shampoo Residue:
Using cleaning solutions with a high pH or leaving shampoo residue on the carpet can also contribute to cellulosic browning. These factors can alter the chemical balance of the fibers, making them more susceptible to discoloration.
Examples of Cellulosic Browning
Can Cellulosic Browning Be Removed?
If browning does develop after cleaning, the discoloration is not always a permanent stain and can often be removed by professional carpet cleaners. However, in other cases, the discoloration cannot be completely removed. This issue arises more often with wool, sisal or cotton carpets, or when the carpet is old enough for advanced cellulosic fiber degradation to occur.
Preventing Cellulosic Browning
To minimize the risk of cellulosic browning, consider the following tips:
-Thorough Drying: Ensure carpets are thoroughly dried after cleaning. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and proper ventilation to speed up the drying process.
-Neutral pH Solutions: Use cleaning solutions with a neutral pH to avoid altering the chemical balance of the fibers.
-Avoid Excessive Moisture: Be cautious with the amount of moisture used during the cleaning process. Over-wetting can lead to slower drying times and increased risk of browning.
-Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintain and clean carpets to prevent the build-up of residues. This includes routine vacuuming and professional cleaning to keep carpets in optimal condition.
By understanding the causes and solutions for cellulosic browning, homeowners can better manage their carpets and rugs, ensuring they remain in good condition for years to come. For professional carpet cleaning services, contact Dry Concepts today.